When you use raised floor systems panels, you open the door to a number of benefits. When it comes to a double floor structure and high-quality double floor systems, some examples include the laying of the cabling and technology that is "removable." These are just two examples. More and more businesses are requesting the installation of raised floor panels, which provide an ideal foundation for the various functions that can be carried out in office rooms, information technology rooms, industrial and work rooms, and other types of rooms. Would you like to plan for the future of your company and decide on flexible ways to use the space when you set up the office or the industrial hall? A raised floor is the solution to this problem because it allows you to make all of the necessary arrangements for the future as well as changes in the way space is used right now. We would be more than happy to provide you with a one-on-one explanation of the numerous benefits and individual possibilities offered by our raised floor systems. Additionally, we would be happy to demonstrate why flooring with raised floor panels is a genuine innovation that offers significant cost savings.


Raised floor panels, also known as the flexible floor, and the benefits it offersThe construction of our raised floor is carried out using raised floor panels that are both sturdy and resilient. All of the available double floor systems have been put through rigorous testing to determine their qualities and properties in accordance with DIN EN 12 825, and they have received certification from a number of different impartial organizations. Why is it beneficial to have a raised floor systems in commercial spaces like offices and retail stores? If, after a few years of running your company, you decide that you want to make a technical change or use a room in a different way, you do not need to plan for a new renovation because you have the economic freedom to do so. When it comes to conversions or retrofitting, the double-floor construction of HG flooring systems not only provides you with more room for creative expression but also helps you save a significant amount of time and money. The following information comes into sharp focus when discussing the useful characteristics and settings in which raised floor systems panels can be utilized.

The following are the access floor systems:absolutely adaptable, in addition to having a high load capacityeasy removal and replacement of individual panels (ideal for subsequent installations) ideal for the immediate installation as well as subsequent installation of supply and electricity linesa very comfortable experience when walkingcan have a wide variety of surface designs applied to it using a variety of coverings, including wood, stone, carpets, and other materials. Every raised floor systems structure has its own unique substructure, which can be built in a variety of ways. We are able to install high-quality raised floor slabs throughout the entire room, as well as in the form of a gallery, and explicitly adapt the floor structure to your wishes and requirements when we do it this way. Do you need any further clarification, or would you like to get started on installing a raised floor? Get in touch with us, and we'll help you make a choice that will benefit you in the long run.


A rundown of the various fields in which raised floor panels can be usedIn addition to offices,  panels with the appropriate substructure are ideal for use in your company's control center, in areas devoted to information technology, and in rooms that are used for training or seminars


- In addition, our raised floor systems offer a functional and adaptable solution for factory halls and industrial settings

- During the course of an entrepreneurial endeavor, a great deal of change is possible

- The pace of technological advancement is accelerating, which may necessitate the installation of brand-new wiring as part of an organizational revamp to take advantage of the most recent advances in digitalization

- A costly floor tear and all the inconveniences that come along with it can be avoided if, in advance, you make the decision to install a practical double floor that can be removed in individual panels

- After the new technology has been installed in the building construction underneath the raised floor systems panels, the floor is subsequently closed off and covered once more

- Due to the fact that our  systems are suitable for use with a wide variety of covering materials, most preferably self-laying carpet tiles, the double floor construction is appropriate for the majority of the commercially utilized rooms

Naturally, the materials used in the substructure and the double floor panels in your office, the factory building, the control centers, and any other rooms comply with the requirements for fire protection and safety regulations.